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Your travel auntie worries about you.

Sometimes, I find myself wondering if I’m too…..extra? Controlling? Concerned?

Mother goose leading goslings the right way
I try to get all your ducks in a row

I mean, my clients are grownups, generally. Big kids. They are certainly capable of researching stuff for their trips, right?

But then, my internal worried aunt comes out, and I send them All The Links.

For example, I recently had a couple of ladies embark on a journey to South Africa, Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe (one of my favorite words to say, BTW. Say it with me: Zimbabwe. ZimBABwe.) This was a small group tour that my client brought to me, pointed at the (virtual) brochure and said, “This. I wanna book this.”

I made sure that they had the links for the required health form to enter South Africa, and gently reminded one of them that she took her PCR test about 10 hours too early. Then, when her results hadn’t come back the night before her flight, I was researching places in Chicago that she might be able to go get a rapid test (it all worked out, though)

I put an extra alert in their itinerary app to remind them to get the double-entry visa upon landing in landing in Zimbabwe (ZimBABwe).

I strongly suggested that they get a couple of at-home PCR tests to take with them (there’s a right kind and a wrong kind, to use for return to the US) – and sent them links to where they could buy them. It’s extra space in the luggage, I know – but I think it’s worthwhile.

And I sent them .pdf copies of the CDC health form, and advised them to print them (archaic, I know) and take those with them.

That’s a little much, innit?

But still. I worry.

This particular tour company didn’t provide as many details about All The Little Stuff as I’d like, but it was a pretty good price, so I can forgive that.

When I was chatting with one of the ladies the other day (finding out how the trip went), she mentioned that the other couples in their group had to scramble to get tests to return to the US (as they hadn’t brought tests with them, nor did they know that was A Thing).

At the airport, my clients were all ready to go with their printed health forms that the CDC wanted, while the others didn’t realize they needed a printed copy. My clients had a blank version that they hadn’t filled in yet, so they had the gate agent make photocopies for everyone.

I see that I’m rambling.

My point is this: when you work with a travel advisor, we do some of the worrying for you.

If you’re the sort of person who likes to control everything, that’s awesome – we can overthink this together.

If you’re the type of person who likes to fly by the seat of your pants, we can make sure there’s plenty of room for that. But some things are just better to be thought out ahead of time.

Even if you know exactly where you want to go and what tour you want, there can be advantages to having a travel advisor book it for you (it’ll be the same price, if not less), and even if they charge a planning fee, it’s generally worth it to have a worried aunt fussing over all the details.

Now, then….did you pack snacks? I don’t want you to be hungry on the plane….

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